Professor Ercan BAŞTU

IVF Treatment
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment, the egg collected from the woman and the sperm collected from the man are brought together in a glass container in the laboratory environment. The egg and sperm are put together approximately 40 hours later. It’s checked whether the egg has been fertilized and whether cell division has begun. Then, the fertilized eggs (embryos) are placed in the woman's uterus.


Endometriosis Treatment

Women with endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) have tissue outside the uterus that looks and behaves like the endometrium. This tissue generally develops in the other reproductive organs in the groin and in the abdominal cavity. This tissue, which is in the wrong place every month, develops by reacting to the hormones in the menstrual cycle and tries to expel itself like the intrauterine tissue does, causing internal bleeding.


Gynecology and Obstetrics

Professor Ercan Baştu


14 years of experience since 2008


More than 5000 IVF Treatments


Over 1000 Endometriosis Surgeries


More than 2000 Laparoscopic Hysteroscopy Surgeries

Treatment Packages

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

  • Ovarian stimulation and monitoring.
  • Egg collection under anesthesia.
  • Fertilization of the egg with sperm (IVF with Microinjection).
  • Follow-up of developing embryos.
  • Transferring embryos.
  • Doctor examinations during the baby process.
  • Pregnancy test by blood analysis.

Endometriosis Treatment

  • Consult us for treatment details.


Years of Experience


Patient Experiences




Patient from the Country



Faq Image


What is infertility?
Generally, infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse. This period is 6 months for women over 35 years old.
How is egg transfer done in IVF treatment?
During the egg retrieval process, specialist doctor inserts a long and thin needle through your vagina into your ovary via vaginal ultrasound. It then collects eggs one by one from each follicle in your ovary. Anesthesia is usually used for this procedure.
How is embryo transfer done in IVF treatment?
During embryo transfer, specialist doctor inserts the external catheter (speculum) through your vagina first usually with the help of ultrasound. Then, inserts it through the cervix into the uterus. A small catheter with embryos is then inserted into the outer catheter. Finally, the embryos are released into the uterus.
Does endometriosis cause infertility?
The most basic complication of endometriosis is the damage to fertility. About one-third to half of women with endometriosis (chocolate cyst disease) have difficulty conceiving.
Why is endometriosis painful?
The growths in the endometriotic tissue cannot expel themselves from the body as normal endometrial cells do every month during menstrual periods. Instead, they implant and respond to menstrual-inducing hormones by continuing to grow and bleed every month and for years unless treated.
When should endometriosis be operated?
The decision to have a endometriosis operated on varies from person to person, depending on It’s location, size, complaints it causes, and the woman's expectation of pregnancy.
What is laparascopy?
Laparoscopy is a surgical technique performed by making small incisions in the body. Compared to this technique, which is popularly called "closed surgery", large incisions are made in classical open surgery. Laparoscopy is also called "minimally invasive surgery" in the scientific world.
What is hysteroscopy?
During diagnostic hysteroscopy, an imaging instrument called a hysteroscope is first inserted through the cervix. It’s a very useful procedure in the evaluation of female infertility, recurrent miscarriages or abnormal bleeding. With the help of diagnostic hysteroscopy, the uterine cavity can be examined, fibroids, scar tissue, polyps, hereditary disorders in the uterus can be diagnosed.